member benefits

Member Benefits
Frustrated with lack of service and cost of phone insurance programs?

Single Device plans as low as

Stop overpaying for device insurance now.

Single Device plans as low as
per month

Benefits of a TechySave membership

Free TechySave Tech Support 24/7

Free 2 day shipping on all purchases

A Free USB-C cable every 4 months

Expedited Repairs

TechySave Membership Club

We’ll be your phone saver:

TechySave Membership Club

Exclusions & Limitations

  1. TechySave members who have a device lost or stolen will be provided with a replacement device of the same make and model at wholesale cost plus 10%. You may choose to upgrade depending on availability.
  2. TechySave members who have an unrepairable device will be provided with a replacement device of the same make and model at wholesale cost plus 10%. You may choose to upgrade depending on availability.
  3. Not all services are available at all locations. Prices may vary per location


  1. Please note that online registrations are a 6-month minimum commitment.
  2. Please inquire with local store if you registered in-house for your specific terms and conditions.